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    The perfect shipping packaging: Here are the 6 most important features

    Demands on e-commerce packaging are increasing. We tell you about the optimal shipping packaging here.

    E-commerce packaging - one type for everything?

    Every e-commerce retailer understands the typical problems of commercial shipping packaging: 

    • Goods get damaged
    • Products are stolen
    • Packaging is damaged or opened
    • Packaging is too big and creates a lot of waste

    These problems are a thing of the past if your shipping packaging has the 6 most important features.

    But does having all of these things mean one type of packaging can work for everything? Custom-fit e-commerce packaging for your needs is the ideal solution. It meets all the requirements: from the supplier to the packer to the end consumer - and creates added value for the packaged product. The requirements are complex and it’s easy to overlook things. At Model we know exactly where the stumbling blocks are. That’s why we give the best advice and offer tailor-made e-commerce solutions.

    6 features of perfect shipping packaging

    1. Tear strip

    The recipient can easily open the packaging. The practical tear strip serves as tamper proofing and protects the contents from theft.

    2. Self-adhesive closure

    Clever self-adhesive closures (SAC) allow packaging to be closed without additional tools, e.g. for returns. 

    3. Additional creases

    Additional creases mean the height of the packaging can easily be adjusted to the product. This saves space in the warehouse as well as costs for different packaging sizes.

    4. Tamper protection

    Shipping packaging with side flaps and a double bottom protects against unauthorized tampering and theft.

    5. Easy to set up

    Set up in just a few simple steps: The automatic bottom makes it quick and easy. 

    6. Modern design

    Sustainable shipping packaging with high-quality printing and a greeting card ensure a successful brand image.

    The perfect shipping packaging gets goods safely to their destination - and your brand in the minds of customers.

    Custom-made sustainable shipping packaging

    Packaging solution from Model

    Meets all the requirements

    Custom-made packaging has always been the gold standard. That’s because packaging for online retail has to meet lots of requirements: The sender wants to convey a flawless, sustainable image. End users want an effortless unboxing experience. Packers value easy handling. Shipping service providers are concerned with stability. 

    Environmentally friendly

    Sustainability scores points

    Everyone has seen examples of oversized transport packaging that causes high costs, doesn’t adequately protect its contents and causes frustration for the end customer. Online retail comes under a lot of criticism - so it’s all the more important to avoid packaging with a lot of air and unnecessary filling material and to prioritize sustainability in the packaging process. How does it work? We’re happy to help.

    E-commerce trends

    From M-Fold to designer packaging

    With M-Fold, a flexible endless corrugated cardboard, Model offers tailor-made shipping packaging for every product. This reduces your packaging and shipping costs and avoids CO₂. End customers appreciate e-commerce packaging made from 100% recycled paper. Discreetly designed on the outside, printed in several colors on the inside, and with an enclosed greeting card - for a successful unpacking experience for the recipient. 

    The optimal e-commerce packaging for your products?

    We’re happy to help

    Our packaging experts understand the challenges of online retail very well.

    Contact Us

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