• Model Industry Solutions

    Developed for the requirements of your industry, comprehensively tested and economically optimised.

  • Food
  • Household
  • Cosmetics & Hygiene
  • Consumer Goods
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals
  • Pharma
  • Electronics
  • Logistics & Transport
  • Beverages
  • Manufactured Goods
  • Furniture
  • Model Services

    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

  • Consulting
  • Design
  • Logistics
  • Recover
  • Inspiration
  • Model Young Package
  • Choose your country and language

    Model at CosmeticBusiness 2023 in Munich

    Visit our booth B21 at the trade fair for cosmetic companies and their suppliers on June 14 and 15, 2023.

    Elegant and unique: Your cosmetic packaging

    Whether for perfume, skincare, nail polish, makeup or lipstick, our packaging experts at Model will be happy to support you develop an individual and intelligent packaging solution for your cosmetic product.

    We are happy to advise you about the numerous possibilities and our environmentally friendly innovations such as Eco Metalic or Metal Transfer.

    About the event


    CosmeticBusiness is the only international trade fair for cosmetic companies and their suppliers. Every year, over 300 exhibitors from more than 20 countries present their innovative solutions for the development, production and marketing of cosmetic products. This year, the trade fair will take place on June 14 and 15 between 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the MOC event center Munich.

    Get to know us!

    Visit us at booth B21

    Are you visiting CosmeticBusiness and looking for the perfect cosmetic packaging for your product? Stop by our booth B21 - we will be happy to advise you!

    Would you like to meet us at CosmeticBusiness?

    We are looking forward to meeting you!

    Use our contact form to make an appointment with us for CosmeticBusiness in Munich. We are looking forward to meeting you.


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