• Model Industry Solutions

    Developed for the requirements of your industry, comprehensively tested and economically optimised.

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  • Model Services

    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

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    Approval granted for the discharge of purified wastewater into the Thur

    The Environmental Office granted us permission on February 5, 2024, to discharge our purified wastewater from paper production into the Thur. With the direct discharge into the Thur, the company Model has achieved an important milestone towards sustainability and self-responsibility, living up to its name Thurpapier TPW once again.

    Model AG resumes discharging its treated wastewater into the Thur

    With the filling of Carrier Biology 3, the renovation of the wastewater treatment plant (ARA) was completed on November 15, 2023. Following the growth of biology, we were able to start up the ARA in January. The focus was on getting to know the facility and initiating corrective measures in operation. On January 17, we met all parameters prescribed by the Environmental Office for the first time. During a performance run, we demonstrated that the required limits can be significantly undercut. The effluent values achieved today were last measured in 2012. Accordingly, the experts were amazed by the values achieved today.

    With the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant (ARA), we are also capable of producing desulfurized biogas. Using the desulfurization plant, we remove 99% of the sulfur content from the exhaust gases. In addition, we can temporarily store the biogas in the new 300m3 gas storage facility if the paper machine is demolished. This results in an energy saving of 1.2 – 1.5 GWh/year (120,000 – 150,000 liters of oil/year).

    The results achieved today are only possible thanks to the excellent teamwork between the ARA, Maintenance, Projects departments, and the exemplary cooperation with the system supplier, Veolia.

    Do you need any further information or do you have any questions?

    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Telephone number: 0842 626 626
    E-Mail: modelshop.schweiz@modelgroup.com

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