• Model Industry Solutions

    Developed for the requirements of your industry, comprehensively tested and economically optimised.

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  • Cosmetics & Hygiene
  • Consumer Goods
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals
  • Pharma
  • Electronics
  • Logistics & Transport
  • Beverages
  • Manufactured Goods
  • Furniture
  • Model Services

    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

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  • Inspiration
  • Model Young Package
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    9th edition

    Model Young Package 2004

    Winning Concepts

    For the first time in the competition history, the quality of the submitted works increased with the growing number of participants. The high quality challenged the jury to carry on long discussions on the issue during the review process.

    University and college

    Concepts made by university and college students.

    High schools

    Concepts made by students of secondary and tertiary schools from 15 years of age.

    Young designers

    Concepts made by young designers up to the age of 30 years.

    That's not all

    Winners' Archive

    Have you seen the other great concepts from MYP's history?

    Model Young Package