Let me rate your box

An examined box is always better
I’d rate your box approximately on a highly scientific scale from 1-12.
Thank you for examining your box.
I have no clue
That’s understandable. YOU are not an expert. The people who sold you the box should be. And they should tell you. Recycled, lightweight cardboard is the best for the environment and makes a good box.
NEXT QUESTIONI have a feeling there are various materials involved...
Like foil? Or — god forbid — plastic? Well... not all boxes are perfect, and some products need lamination, etc. As long as the box is properly marked it might still be good.
NEXT QUESTIONLooks like plain cardboard?
Mmmmm. Cardboard. This is a good box. You can have fun with it. You can feel good about choosing an environmentally friendly product. You can give it to a cat. BTW — good cardboard is anything but plain.
NEXT QUESTIONThere is actually some info on the box!
Does it say Model? Does it say “This is a good box”? Is there a cat on it? Certificates? Disposal info? This is all great news!
NEXT QUESTIONThe store, duh...
You can be ironic all the way to human extinction... If you choose to care (and you should), you will realize that the transport of goods and commodities impacts the environment. A good box (like — lightweight cardboard) reduces this impact.
NEXT QUESTIONOh, you mean who made it? No clue...
That’s a pity. There are some makers of good boxes out there. Like — say — Model Group. Almost everything comes in boxes. You should care how boxes are made.
NEXT QUESTIONI guess I could figure out how far it traveled...
Great! Way to go on environmental consciousness. Do include some good box knowledge in your awareness. Boxes are overlooked. They shouldn’t be.
NEXT QUESTIONIt says here it’s XX% recycled
That sounds about right. Most good boxes are made of boxes. It could be argued that good boxes have a positive environmental impact. Get rid of your box properly, to keep the cycle going. Or give it to a cat.
Wait — if you know what it is made of, or at least its recycling category, you should know how to dispose of it. If it’s cardboard, you should know — it's one of the recycling categories that actually gets recycled with benefit to the environment.
GOT IT!I always recycle!
Good on you. Now make the people who make money selling you stuff recycle as well. Support good boxes. Good boxes are made by companies who care as much as you do.
GOT IT!It has instructions on how to dispose of it.
Funny, how when you see those you kind of want to keep it? Because — a well marked, close-cycle-produced, environmentally beneficial box — is a good box. And good boxes are fun to be around. See?