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    Innovating Packaging: Insights from Pilsner Urquell's Petr Kundrata

    A preview of the evaluation of the packaging prototypes of the Model Young Package with an expert from the beer industry.

    Packaging innovation in a time of changing market demands

    Petr Kundrata is an experienced project manager who has worked at Pilsner Urquell since 1993. During that time he has held various positions in marketing and product management.

    Since 2008, he has been working as a project manager in response to business needs and changing market conditions in the field of innovation. Currently, he is involved in packaging projects.

    Most recently, he was involved in the complete re-design of the premium beer brand Pilsner Urquell. This involved changes to both primary and secondary packaging to reinforce the premiumness of the brand with an emphasis on sustainability.

    Packaging has the same priority for our company as TV or social media. In fact, it has an even greater reach of millions of contacts each year, making it essential in the marketing mix as a key touch point.

    Petr Kundrata on packaging at Pilsner Urquell

    For Petr Kundrata, the Model Young Package brings two key aspects to the involvement of schools in the competition:

    1. The opportunity to stand out with individual solutions in the High School category and to compare their results with other young designers on a comparable level.
    2. Comparison with more experienced senior designers in the Unlimited category.

    This can be used not only for self-presentation of the work, but also for motivation to go further.

    This was the jury session 2023

    Get exclusive insights into the processes behind the Model Young Package Award. Discover creative packaging designs and experience the selection process chaired by design guru Christian Zanzotti.

    Model Young Package

    Idea, design, usability – fresh inputs for beverage industry

    Petr Kundrata approached his work as a juror with the expectation of uniqueness and novelty of solutions, use of design elements and processing technologies within packaging.


    He was also interested in the practical implementation in production, distribution and market positioning.


    During the jury session in Frankfurt he particularly praised four prototypes:



    • Fold up Pick up (Se Hyeon Won)
    • Omni-Pack X6 (Philipp Hainke)

    High school

    • Jägermeister #SAVETHENIGHT (Sebastian Sikora)
    • UFO FOUR PACK (Karolína Pospěchová)

    Keep doing what you're doing, do it to the best of your ability and above all, don't worry if something doesn't materialise or isn't generally accepted, because there are plenty of other opportunities to take advantage of in packaging.

    Petr Kundrata on the question about tips for the participants

    Connecting talent with industry experts

    Model Young Package is about bringing together the ambitious visions of talented designers and company representatives who want to shape the future of the packaging industry with us.

    Judges like Petr Kundrata bring a much-needed manufacturer's perspective to the competition, providing direct feedback on packaging prototypes.

    Become a partner for next year's competition and make your vision for innovative packaging a reality!

    The world of packaging has never been so exciting

    Become part of the success story!

    Are you ready for innovative beverage packaging that will make your brand a success? Contact us now and let's shape the future of packaging design together.

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    Award Ceremony

    Model Young Package 2023 Final Results

    The 2023 winners for "Thirsty for Packaging" theme were recognized in Prague on October 4th, and this year featured a unique design challenge for Clock Craft Brewery.

    Model Young Package