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    Model Young Package is back with the theme of FOOD

    The Model Young Package design competition is back to amaze food lovers.

    The 26th edition of the Model Young Package (MYP) packaging design competition, hosted by Model Group, starts now. The theme that packaging designers will focus on will be food packaging of the 21st century. Designers are challenged to create packaging that is sustainable, imaginative, and contributes to the quality of life. 


    FOOD IS...

    This year's theme can really appeal to everyone. FOOD IS... ritual, art, inspiration, enjoyment, relaxation, health, joy, passion, love, addiction. Food is simply a part of our everyday lives and the appropriate packaging can enhance the experience of food even more. Just like food itself, packaging must meet the highest standards of quality. Can you design such packaging? 

    Participation Conditions

    The international competition is divided into two categories. The «High-School» category is open for registration to students from secondary and higher vocational schools. The second category, «Unlimited», is for college students and designers with no age limit.

    The deadline for submission is May 11th, 2022 and designers can register below.


    Prizes & Jury

    Participants will receive prizes worth a total of EUR 7 300. Moreover, the ultimate winner will be rewarded with a great opportunity in the form of a three-week honoured internship at an Innovation Centre of Model Group.


    Additional special prizes:

    • Model Packaging Innovation Centre Award
    • Chairman of the Jury Award

    The jury, chaired by leading Czech packaging designer Jan Činčera, will evaluate the real designs. The results will be announced in September 2022 in Prague, followed by an exhibition of the winning designs. 

    About the MYP competition

    The Model Young Package award could not have been founded by a more vocal company than the Model Group. Thanks to its initiative, the competition has been running since 1996. For 13 years the competition has been organized by CZECHDESIGN, an independent professional organization, in close cooperation with Model Group.


    Get in touch

    with the competition coordinator: 




    Hosting & Sponsorship by Model Group

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