• Model Industry Solutions

    Developed for the requirements of your industry, comprehensively tested and economically optimised.

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  • Model Services

    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

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    Endless cardboard for DeinDeal - Quality from Switzerland

    Endless cardboard for unlimited shopping experience - DeinDeal and Model prove how well bargains and sustainability can be combined. Find out how DeinDeal saves on packaging and transport costs with a local premium product from Switzerland. Always in focus: a sustainable packaging process.

    Local, green, efficient: endless cardboard from Model

    Cheap and sustainable don't go together? Endless cardboard makes it possible. The online shopping portal DeinDeal has discovered what the people at Model can achieve. With endless cardboard from Switzerland, DeinDeal now saves a lot of CO2 in addition to transport costs. The practical M-Fold technology of our endless corrugated board also ensures smooth machine unfolding and maximum packaging efficiency.

    From production to the packaged product

    Model x DeinDeal

    From Moudon to Geneva - short distance, short delivery time

    We produce the endless cardboard for DeinDeal in our factory in Moudon. It is not far to the online company's location in Geneva. There, the articles are automatically packed and shipped to customers from all over Europe. For DeinDeal, this results in a significantly more efficient packaging process with attractive advantages.

    • Low transport costs: The short distance between Moudon and Geneva saves DeinDeal transport costs.
    • Reduced CO2 footprint: The short delivery routes of the endless carton lead to lower CO2 emissions.
    • Short delivery times: We can produce DeinDeal orders at short notice and deliver them immediately due to our regional proximity.
    • Lower storage costs: Due to short delivery times, DeinDeal has to keep less storage space for packaging material.

    What DeinDeal employees say about us

    DeinDeal x Model

    Sustainable packaging for sustainable processes

    Thanks to short delivery routes between our production in Moudon and the DeinDeal factory in Geneva, the online shopping portal automatically saves CO2. Furthermore, at Model we go the extra mile in terms of sustainability - now DeinDeal also benefits from this.

    • Recycled paper: We use 100% recycled fibres from used paper for our endless cardboard. The endless cardboard made from used paper is in turn completely recyclable.
    • Closed paper cycle: We produce from recycled paper and collect the used packaging material from you again. Through this closed-loop economy, we effectively counteract waste.
    • High degree of automation: Endless cardboard is perfectly suited for use with packaging machines. Efficient processes additionally save CO2.

    Simple endless cardboard - a wide range of advantages

    Endless corrugated cardboard is a resource-saving as well as high-quality option for packaging products. It helps reduce packaging waste and promotes sustainable packaging practices. The innovative folding technology and continuous form of endless corrugated cardboard results in a wide range of applications and benefits.

    • Space saving: The intelligent M-Fold folding design minimises the space required by the packaging and leads to more efficient use of storage and transport capacities.
    • Flexibility: The endless corrugated board can be adapted to different product sizes and shapes, enabling versatile packaging solutions.
    • Cost savings: Less material consumption and optimised packaging sizes lead to lower packaging costs.
    • Efficient handling: M-Fold technology supports automated packaging processes, reducing labour time and effort.
    • Protection of the products: M-Fold is made of corrugated cardboard, which provides good basic cushioning and a high level of protection for the packaged items.
    Are you curious?

    Contact us

    Let our paper professionals advise you about endless cardboard and other packaging solutions without obligation. We look forward to answering your questions.

    Contact Us

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